Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Apply On The Internet What Your Learnt From Monopoly. Your Internet Real Estate. Your Ultimate Wealth Online

Have you ever played the game of Monopoly? Well, I have and I love it, since young. It was sort of a get together between family and friends. But the rules and outcomes of the game could be very real when compared to real life.

Oh okay, how does that related to your Online Business? Or how does it help to achieve Ultimate Wealth Online?

Almost everything!

In Monopoly your success is mainly govern by the roll of dice. Isnt it the same in the real whole when people complain cant I have more money? Or I wish I was born rich?

Then in Monopoly you have chance and community chest cards just like in the real world where opportunity and chances meet up with you everyday.

But most importantly just like in the real world no matter your dices land on (which face), I strongly believe with faith and works you could turn most situations around! Finally achieving Ultimate Wealth Online!

Now the meat of this article how to use games and rules or what you know from Monopoly and turn your internet game around?

Built and acquire virtual assets. What do I mean by virtual assets?

Your internet business and these comprises of the following:
Your website(s)
Your affiliate program(s)
Your article(s), your ebook(s), your software(s) etc
Your relationship(s) (with customers, suppliers etc)
Your mailing list(s), your ezine(s) etc
Your presence
Oh the list could go on etc (but I guess you get the idea)

For your online business to achieve Ultimate Wealth Online what do you need to do? I strongly believe you need to build just like you are playing the game of Monopoly. Choose your player first be it the dog, the car etc, find your favorite topic or niche or product you like to work on.

Next spend to earn. Never foolishly and what do I call that? Your Ultimate Wealth Online Investment. Invest carefully on what you will require to assist you to achieve success. Is it an autoresponder service that could help you in building your mailing list? Make a checklist (I will provide a sample checklist on my blog in the near future do visit and download a copy and add on the list if you wish) and make sure you work systematically towards it. To achieve Ultimate Wealth Online I believe in building your business slowly and steadily no point rushing.

After you have established a basic accumulation of assets you will slowly feel the benefits of your Ultimate fruits of labor. Yup it take some time before you can feel this one, this is never in an instant. It is seldom when you roll the dice it shows 6 faced up all the time. This is what we call residual income.

One surefire method to confirm your residual income is to explode your presence on the internet with viral marketing. Meaning spreading your website etc like a virus only this is not air borne it is through your Ultimate Wealth Online Internet Marketing. (Just for your information I offer both free courses and a low paying course, check my web site and my blog for more details).

Once you know the rules, learn to play like an expert. It is just like sports, first you need to know the rules of Football, then you need to practice, do the necessary, maybe even go to the gym room to assist you in whatever way. Only after which you can learn to be a professional at it.

Buy Boardwalk on the Monopoly board, you gain the most rent from it. So I say the same with your Ultimate Online Business. For Ultimate Wealth Online go big, register relevant domain names. Find a good web host, have a good autoresponder service. And you are in good starting point (Note: when I say good, I do not mean expensive, do what you can best afford, to do business, one rule is to keep costs down while trying to maximize profits). But you still have an empty site. You need to build it up with content!

And not only content, unique content to you and your customers. It should not be difficult as everybody is different and I believe presentation style is different. However, I also do note there are several copy cats around.

Trust me if you build your houses even if you own Baltic Avenue, when you receive your rent you will still smile. So what about building your Hotels? Membership websites etc? Do what you feel fits your businesses the best. To tell you the truth the one that builds Hotels in Monopoly might not be the eventual winner. You write your own Ultimate Wealth Online business blueprint and rules, you state your own goals.

Do not forget in Monopoly there are entities such as Utilities and Railroads. Do think of services and software at which you feel could be beneficial to your customers as long as you own your place on the board you cant lose.

Hopefully you can see where I am getting at to really start profiting online, my point of view is to own your own website. You could start a free one with blogger or wordpress but till you have your own website, I still feel you do not have a good presence or presentation to your customer. For example, if you email to reply to them and you are using a gmail and hotmail it doesnt look so professional. But do not jump into anything like I mentioned before do what you financially can first. When you can afford to have a website do not wait. You have so much autonomy as to what you want to do with your website it is just crazy. I would very much like to share more do visit my blog or web site when you are free. The details are in the Authors Resource Box. But for now I think you get the idea, it is always better for us to think more about what we want to do than for always letting others let us what to do.

Wishing you the best Ultimate Wealth Online.

Copyright © 2006, Raye Ng, Ultimate Wealth Online, All rights Reserved

Raye Ng, owner of, Blog8145
Barbabra Blog29307

A Guide To Applying for Credit Cards over the Internet

Over the last few years the internet has become your one stop to finding credit cards, comparing APR(annual percentage rate), rewards programs and incentives. And the best part is you can apply for all of them online and with a secure connection. Just from searching google you can find millions of credit card resources.

One of the the best ways to find a credit card comparison website is to go to your favorite search engine and simply search "credit cards" and press "enter". Now before you jump on the first one you see there are a few things you should remember when looking for a credit card online.

1. Pick a website that offers comparisons.

2. Choose a website that offers all of the banks/issuers(American Express, CitiBank, Chase etc.).

3. Make sure the website offers more details on each individual credit card.

4. Find a site that is professional and updated often.

5. After you find a few cards that interest you make sure you compare the introductory APR, fixed APR, cash advances, balance transfers and fees, bonus or award programs, cash back programs, credit limit, annual fees, etc.

One website you may find helpful is has a large database offering cards from, advanta, american express, bank of america, citibank, chase, discover, HSBC as well as visa. The site is easy to navigate and also tells you what type of credit rating you will need for each card. You can apply directly from the comparison page by clicking "apply here" under the corresponding card.

In essence when comparing credit cards online be sure you are looking for cards that are going to meet your daily needs. If you don't fly often then why apply for an airline credit card. If you are driving quite often and with how gas prices are these days pick a gas rebate card. Also be sure to pick a card that offers a low fixed rate. For instance some cards may offer a 0% intro apr, but 6 months later will jump to 14.99%. Lastly remember to have all of your personal information with you when you begin to fill out the online applications.

All of the above information is vital when searching for a credit card online. Be sure to remember this information when searching for a credit card comparison website and it will save you lots of money in the long run. You may also find a site you can use in the future for all of your credit card needs.

Richard GillilandBarbabra Blog49206
Beth Blog11758

Texas Schools See Increase In Number Of AP Exams Taken And Improved Results

The Texas schools released figures in September 2006, showing substantial increases in the number of Texas schools students taking Advanced Placement (AP) exams, as well as their resulting scores.

High schools across the nation are allowed to teach college-level coursework that is first approved by the College Board, the national administrator of the AP exams. Under current rules, a high school need only sign a form promising to teach the specific curriculum for any class to be designated AP.

When Texas schools students take and pass an AP exam with a high enough score, they receive college credit for the course, which they will not have to take when they attend college. Not only does this allow college-bound students to take fewer courses in college to fulfill their degree requirements, but it also means that they and their parents save money on the cost of college tuition.

Many Texas schools districts see this as a win-win situation that encourages students and provides incentives for them to attend college after graduating high school. Here is some of the information released by the Texas schools:

The number of high school students in the Texas schools that took AP exams increased from 80,240 in 2002 to 122,969 in 2006 more than a 50 percent increase;

The number of Texas schools students, who scored high enough to earn college credit in 2006, increased by more than 40 percent from 2002;

There was a total of 224,168 tests taken in 2006 and 49 percent of these scores were three or higher this is a slight drop from the 53 percent of three of higher scores in 2002;

English language, English literature, and U.S. history remain the most popular of the 35 AP exams available; and

Italian, Latin literature, French literature, microeconomics, and physics of electricity and magnetism were the least popular.

To encourage students to participate in AP coursework, as well as to take and pass the exams, many Texas schools districts provide cash incentives to both their students and teachers. They partner with nonprofit donor organizations or use foundation grants to fund their AP incentives. Some students and teachers earn from $100 to $300 for each exam passed. The incentives must work, since all of the schools using them have seen a dramatic increase in the number of students taking and passing the exams. Galvestons Ball High School, for example, expects to receive $15,800 this year in student-earned incentives.

The Texas schools attributed their improved results for 2006 to the cash incentives, incentives to reduce exam costs for students (up to $80 for each exam), increased teacher training, and the overall push by the Texas schools to create a college-bound culture within their high schools.

Patricia Hawke is a staff writer for Schools K-12, providing free, in-depth reports on all U.S. public and private K-12 schools. For more information on schools visit Blog89376
Catlaina Blog97178

Getting The Tools For Do-It-Yourself Car Repair

It's great to be able to do as many things as possible by yourself. Imagine fixing your vehicle without having to take it to a mechanic and pay your first kid's college savings? That is the reason why do-it-yourself car repair is such a big deal. Everyone and their grandmother wants to get under their own hood and get it all fixed up by themselves. How great would it feel to be able to take care of yourself?

If you are interested in cars and want to empower yourself and fix your own auto, the first thing you should do is have a good, thorough look at the manual. Familiarize yourself for all the thousands of tiny little parts of your vehicle. Although it sounds like a daunting task, everything will make more sense after you have absorbed it. And best of all: It will save you piles of cash as well. So, get each auto part figured out and see how it all works together.

If you want to fix something in your car and make it run better, you want to make sure you know what you're doing. IF you want to do something more important, like replace your brake pads, you want to be sure you're doing it right. That's a job you certainly don't want to screw up.

After you've perused the appropriate vehicle manual, you need to stock up on tools. But before you go and shell out the cash at your local automotive store, take a look on the internet. You can often find better deals online, as well as tips on what brands are the best. There are loads of forums online where you can get free advice.

How Can You Save Cash?

Before you purchase anything on the internet, make sure it's what you need. You can go to a 'big box' shop like for example Wal-mart and do some window shopping. Go somewhere with a wide selection of tools and look around. Ask the staff for advice. Then, when you know just what you need, go home and order it from the internet. It is important to make sure you are getting the right things;it can be an expensive pain to have to send the wrong thing back.

The most important thing is to make sure your repairs are thorough. You don't want to make any mistakes that will cost you more money later. If you are totally clueless, check out some online forums.

Terry Bolton is a writer and internet publisher of Car Repair Info. You can go to for more.Alis Blog35621
Bobette Blog69477

How To Take The First Steps With Autoresponders

One of the most effective forms of low-cost Internet marketing is using email to reach a targeted audience. Whilst email marketing has undergone changes over the years, in particular, the outlawing of spam email, it still has great appeal and is one of the most widely-used internet marketing techniques. It's quite simply the best way to keep in touch with your customers on a regular basis on autopilot. Providing you respect the spam laws and use email properly, you will have a trouble free email marketing business.

Email marketing is more commonly associated with the use of an autoresponder service which allows you to import your email messages into the autoresponder and send them out to your customers at a fixed date and time - you could have a series of messages sent over a period of weeks, months or even years, if you wanted. The exciting thing is that once the autoresponder has been set up, that part of your business will run hands free, allowing you to concentrate on other important things.

The costs associated with an autoresponder vary considerably from free up to $100 a month. Try to avoid free autoresponders where possible, although they are free they come at a price! The price being the restrictions on usage and the fact that they will nearly always carry an advert of some sort on your message which can distract your recipient from the real reason why they have received the message. Also, it isn't necessary to pay a silly price for an autoresponder, big companies may want to pay top price because they can afford to but as an individual, you do not need to. Excellent, cost effective autoresponder services can be obtained from or These are web based programs so they will work for you 24/7.

You could of course, use a desktop based autoresponder such as Mailloop. This type of program is a software application that is installed on your computer and it allows you to manage your email campaigns from your desktop. You just have to be aware that you will need to leave your computer running all the time or else you will not be able to receive or send emails automatically. But it's a great way to have a series of autoresponders for a one time payment and no recurring fees.

So, having decided on using autoresponders for your email business, what do you do with one? Well, building up a customer database should be a priority so initially you will want to create a form for your website that allows potential subscribers to insert their details and when they agree to subscribe, they are automatically enrolled onto an email course that you will have loaded into the autoresponder. The course can as long as you want it to be and sent automatically over a period of time - this is where the automation of your email business will come into its own. It is essential that any information that you send to your subscribers is of value and instructive. It's no good sending rubbish, you will lose your subscriber quicker than you got him! Quality email courses that you could use can be found in the

If you offered a 14-day email course on internet marketing for example, then you could provide links to various marketing ebooks or resources. In each email would be a link to a different ebook. Of course each link would have your unique affiliate code. The unique affiliate program provides quality marketing ebooks and software scripts that you can re-sell at 95% commission.

This is just one of the many ways that you can use autoresponders in your email marketing business. Finding and using the right autoresponder service, setting up your autoresponder and loading it with quality information is just the tip of the iceburg where marketing is concerned. But it's a good place to start and gain the necessary experience for future marketing projects.

Ian Simpson reviews and writes about software and informational products on the internet. Great marketing resources can be found at Blog58225
Bobbee Blog54375

Steps To Prevent Dvt Or Economy Class Syndrome On A Long Haul Flight

There are simple safety precautions to be taken during long haul air travel.

1. Avoid sleeping pills before or during the flight

2. Avoid long periods of sleep during the flight

3. Do seat exercises, such as ankle rolls and toe pointing. Exercise the calf, and thigh muscles by contracting and relaxing them, as well as rotating the ankles!!

4. Drink plenty of fluids to avoid dehydration

5. Get up and move about periodically, but at least every hour.

6. Limit carry on luggage so there is plenty of leg room

7. Obtain a seat with as much leg room as possible, such as in the first class cabin, on an aisle, or in back of a bulkhead

8. Talk with your doctor about taking aspirin for its blood-thinning properties. An aspirin tablet can be taken unless you are under 16, or have a history of gastric ulcers, high blood pressure, or a history of sensitivity to aspirin

9. Walk around the airport before and between flights.

10. Wear loose, comfortable clothing for all air travel.

11. Alcohol should be taken in moderation

12. A combination of two glasses of red wine, aspirin and a lot of soft drinks is a perfectly acceptable way to stay healthy as well as helping a long air travel journey to pass!!

IF YOU HAVE A HISTORY OF THROMBOSIS wearing compression stockings is an essential precaution.

How do Gradient Compression Socks and Stockings help prevent dvt during air travel?

Gradient compression stockings help prevent the veins in your legs from becoming over filled with blood (congested).

Veins that are congested with blood make your legs feel heavy.

They may ache and fatigue easily.

These stockings act to prevent leg swelling by counteracting pressures inside the leg and promoting blood flow back to the heart rather than allowing blood to pool in the legs.

Compression squeezes the legs. Gradient compression hosiery (often called elastic stockings) are recommended to control leg swelling and leg discomfort and to prevent skin changes.

What is "Gradient Compression?"

Socks and stockings that are made tightest at the ankle and gradually decrease in tightness as they go up the leg are called gradient stockings.

Please note it is now possible to be screened to identify if genetically you have an increased chance of a dvt.

For example a man having hormonal treatment for cancer of the prostate and has a genetically identifiable clotting factor problem has a dramatically increased chance of developing a dvt.

The same would hold true for a lady taking HRT with the same genetic profile.

If you are anxious about your susceptibility to dvt during air travel then you can get yourself screened

Lucy Tucker is a nurse and has concerns about DVT, and Holiday Health, check out her articles on Blog72397
Adriena Blog789

How Does Affiliate Marketing Works?

With the internet, you can get almost anything at the click of a mouse. There is tons of data and information out there on all subjects or topics. And the Internet continues to affect how we operate on a daily basis. People use it for everything from entertainment to education. So it is not a stretch to the imagination to see that there are great financial possibilities for the entrepreneur.

Its not only for the professional business types, any individual can make money without a traditional company. You dont need products to sell. How is this possible? Affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing works when a merchant gets an affiliate to promote his service or product. The affiliate shares some of the revenue. This scheme is an efficient way of getting profit for the merchant it also pays for the affiliate and the affiliate network.

The merchant benefits by having someone else spend the time and money advertising and encouraging customers to buy the product. He also benefits though the variety of markets the products can be reached using different affiliates. And his sales may be increased through word of mouth rather than other costly endeavors. The affiliate benefits by getting a commission of each sale he makes. If a consumer clicks on the merchants link on the affiliate website and buys the product or service, then the affiliate may get percentage of the sale.

To become a successful affiliate, you must first figure out what you are interested in. What are you passionate about? You will have to build a website around your subject and be informative about the topic. It would also help to make your site unique.

Then look for a merchant that pays well for products or services related to your area of interest. While making these decisions you may want to think about the conversion rate of visitors becoming buyers. Browse through the various affiliate networks to find out which products work for you.

After choosing the area, the products you would like to use and setting up your website, you will have to address the issue of traffic to your site. This is important if you are to make any kind of money. For example, if you are selling expensive items it is possible to make a lot of money very quickly but high ticket products may be harder to sell. To help with promotion and marketing do some research online and purchase books about the subject.

Geoff Spencer is a staff writer at and is an occasional contributor to several other websites, including Blog18372
Audrie Blog81903

The Cuban Cigar Embargo

For those of you who came to age during the 1960s, you probably vividly remember where you were when JFK was shot. For those of you who are cigar lovers, you probably vividly remember where you were when he made Cuban Cigars illegal.

For over four decades, cigar smokers of America have been left without the ability to procure whats reputed to be the finest smokes on the market; theyve been left empty -handed like a child who lost a favorite toy, a very luxurious, flavorful toy, in a neighbors backyard. This has placed cigar lovers in perpetual wonderment, asking why they are missing out on one of lifes greatest pleasures.

The History

Bent on a legacy of close economic and geographical relations, the ties between Cuba and America began to unravel when the Cuban Revolution gave Fidel Castro power on January 7, 1959. These tensions between the two countries were further compounded when Cuba and the Soviet Union appeared in cahoots, like two forces attending a Communistic tea party. Reacting to this two-headed threat, the US dealt with unraveling ties by severing them altogether.

Cuban Cigars found their way into the history books on February 7, 1962. Intending to cut off Castro and his government, JFK implemented a trade embargo. Americans, under this embargo, were prohibited from purchasing Cuban Cigars and Cuba, as JFK intended, lost a majority of their customer base, and a great amount of revenue.

The US government knew this would happen; just four years earlier 67 percent of Cubas exports and 70 percent of their imports involved the US. A trade embargo was sure to hit them below the belt. And so, JFK laced up his gloves.

While the embargo resulted in American exporters losing an estimated 1.2 billion, the Cuban government lost much more; the embargo cost them roughly 70 billion. However, this loss didnt hit Cuba with the force intended; the Soviet Union, supplying Cuba with subsidies, shielded the blow.

The Criticism

As soon as the embargo began, so did the criticism. While tobacco lovers everywhere were angry, standing by and watching their ability to procure the best cigars in the world go up in smoke, much of the criticism came on a political level.

While some argued that the embargo only strengthened the unity between the Soviet Union and Cuba just as the attack on Pearl Harbor strengthened the relationship between the US and Great Britain others argued that the embargo gave Castro an excuse for Cubas lack of prosperity. In a time when Cuba was plagued by problems, critics feared Castro would be able to shrug his shoulders and say, What? Its not me; blame the cigars.

To this day, the embargo continues to be looked on negatively by members of the United Nations. Each year the UN calls, by a large majority vote, for the US to lift its embargo and each year the US refuses.

The Impact

No American wanted Communism to spread throughout the world, believing that the form of government that works for insect colonies would not necessarily work for humans, but no American wanted cigars from Cuba to become illegal either.

JFK himself was among those who indulged in the luxuries of a Cuban Cigar. In fact, knowing the embargo was imminent, JFK sent his press secretary out to obtain a stockpile of Cuban Cigars on the eve before he signed the Executive Order.

For those who didnt have the inside information of the President, the Cuban Cigar embargo ended a cigar democracy Americans had come to love and expect.

Just as Prohibition forever changed the alcohol industry, the Cuban Cigar embargo forever changed the cigar industry; it is as if all the government needs to do to shake up any industry is make something about that industry illegal. While Prohibition saw bootleggers and wine smuggling, the Cuban Cigar embargo saw the black market obtain a best selling item.

But, of course, anytime anything comes onto the black market, counterfeiters sit by licking their lips and waiting for unsuspecting purchasers. This is particularly true with Cuban Cigars. While they are seemingly easy to get inside the US, everyone has a friend who has a friend who sells them, those patrons who purchase them have a better chance of being scammed than obtaining the real thing.

The Cuban Cigar embargo also added to its already exciting reputation: smoking something illegal often seems more fun than smoking something not prohibited by law. Banning the cigars drew attention to them and, as soon as smokers learned they couldnt have them, they wanted them even more. This resulted in a boom in the black market (Cuban Cigars began circulating everywhere), an upslope of cigar smuggling (people began transporting Cuban Cigars from Canada, where the embargo did not exist) and a foundation of counterfeiting (some people were able to quit their day jobs and start a business peddling fake Cubans, not much of a dental plan, but lucrative nonetheless).

The Cuban Cigar embargo is the epitome of tobacco history. Not only have few government acts in the entire existence of America impacted the smoking industry so drastically, but the Cuban Cigar embargo demonstrates how much the history of a nation is intertwined with the history of cigars.

The embargo had nothing to do with cigars themselves, JFK wasnt offended or turned off by something a Cuban Cigar had once said to him. It was merely a political move to protect a country during a time when Communism seemed ready to take over.

However, times have changed: the Soviet Union has since dissolved and Cuba is not the threat they were in the years that preceded the Cold War. It seems, in fairness to American smokers, that Cuban Cigars should once again be legal: the Cuban Cigar embargo needs a little embargoing of its own.

Jennifer Jordan is an editor and staff writer for At home in a design firm in Denver, Colorado, she writes articles specific to the finer things in life.Almira Blog54766
Callie Blog20836

Family Cruises Guide

Family cruises are the ideal solution when you're in need of a stress-free family vacation that's fun for everyone. No need to worry about traffic jams, valet parking or keeping the kids entertained. You can just relax in the comfort of your plush onboard surroundings, and let the kids explore a mind-blowing array of cruise entertainment or you can join in the activities too!

Throughout the year there is no shortage of cruise ships catering for families leaving ports all around North America. Family cruises to Disney are popular as are themed family cruises during spring break and summer vacation time. Destinations such as Bermuda, the Caribbean and the Bahamas are all within easy reach of east coast ports. On the west side, Mexico, Canada and Alaska are equally accessible too for family cruises.

Further afield, family cruises along the Amazon or fly-cruises around Europe offer great value for your dollar. Besides the wealth of onboard entertainment for all the family to enjoy, what child would not be impressed by a close encounter with pink dolphins on the Amazon, or the sight of gladiators re-enacting Roman times in an Italian amphitheater? There's no end of fun to be had, and all at a price that is affordable, especially when compared to land-based vacations of a similar standard!

Family cruises for kids

Kids of all ages can expect a dazzling array of entertainment to greet them on family cruises. For younger children games rooms and video rooms showing cartoons are available on many cruise ships that cater for families. There are video games, sports activities, dancing classes and organized activities under the direction of the ship's crew for older children to delight in. Some cruise liners even have 'kids-only' swimming pools.

Family cruises for parents

For parents everything from golf to poolside massages are available on family cruises. Kids can be left in the capable hands of the cruise liner's staff leaving you free to enjoy some 'you' time. Most cruise boats offer a babysitting service. So, why not take advantage of it and steal an evening walk under the stars together or share a romantic meal at the ship's restaurant? You might just find that it is the most enjoyable and relaxing vacation you've been on in years!

Jonathan Medcalfe writes about all types of cruise vacations including bahamas cruises, alaska cruises luxury cruises and much more. If you want more information about interesting cruises, visit his site here: Blog53050
Alisa Blog30344

Emergency Mens Grooming Fixes for Special Occasions

Grad Season.Wedding Season. Springtime. Wintertime. It doesnt really matter what time of the year it is---it seems like theres always a holiday or event just around the corner that youve got to look good for. Dont worry though; theres no need to panic. MenScience has broken down the stages of mens grooming from the hour before you walk out the door to what you should be doing all the time. Whether its a big date, college graduation, or a holiday party, youll look like a polished man no matter what the occasion.

Code Red (An hour before the event):

1. Shower immediately and shampoo. Gently exfoliate face with a face scrub. This will smooth and revitalize skin in under two minutes.

2. Shave: Try skipping shaving the day before a big event to make sure you get a close shave the day of. You can do several shaving passes then for a super-close result.)

3. Target an unexpected acne pimple: Apply an ice cube to a blemish for a few minutes to help reduce inflammation and size temporarily. Then, cover acne breakout with a small amount of acne treatment medicine and let absorb to reduce bacteria on the surface and get immediate results.

4. Go easy on the moisturizer to avoid a shiny, oily look.

Code Orange (The day of the event):

1. Press clean clothes, or get them pressed at the dry cleaners or laundromat a few days before.

2. Trim and clean beneath fingernails.

3. Cut unwanted hairs, such as nose and ear hair. Yeah, its gross, but it makes a huge difference.

4. Relieve puffy or tired eyes by laying a frozen eye mask wrapped in a washcloth over eyes for 5-10 minutes. Diminish dark under-eye circles by placing an eye mask in hot water, wrapping in a washcloth, then placing over closed eyes for 5 10 minutes. Follow by applying a moisturizer for the eye area.

Code Yellow (A few days to a week before the event):

1. Get a haircut. A trim is always a good idea, but if youre going for a new hairstyle, do it a couple of days before the event. A horrible cut can often be managed if you have a few days to work with it. If your eyebrows are especially bushy, ask the barber about trimming to thin them a bit.

2. Book a manicure. Many barbershops and grooming lounges now offer them for men, and its a great preparation for the hand-shaking youll be doing.

3. Exfoliate your skin. Gently removing dead cells from the skins surface can immediately brighten your tone, smooth roughness and improve your overall appearance, but for the most optimal results, begin exfoliating your skin regularly 2 -3 times a week beforehand.

4. Clear your face. Achieving clear skin takes time, but there are some acne ingredients, like Benzoyl Peroxide, which start working immediately to eliminate blemishes.

Code Blue (All the time):

1. Dont use bar soap: It can dry skin out over time, emphasizing fine lines and causing irritation and redness. Use a liquid cleanser instead.

2. Moisturize. Incorporate a lightweight, non-greasy moisturizer into your regular skincare routine, and your skin will be ready to party, anytime!

3. Prevent signs of aging by taking care of your skin now with an anti-aging treatment. Regular, early use can provide rewarding results within a few weeks and years down the road.

4. Stay in shape by exercising and following a healthy diet. Take high-quality supplements formulated specifically for men to receive valuable nutrients and promote better health overall.

Deidra Garcia is a freelance writer and communications manager for MenScience Androceuticals, a men's skincare and grooming company. You can find more articles by Deidra, as well as further tips and advice, at Andriette Blog56677
Cathlene Blog89703

Content Management System CMS

Most of the organizations have global visions these days and these aspirations have their ramifications. One of which is creation and management of huge amounts of data. This activity is a time consuming process and requires a huge team of professionals to do so. Content management system, CMS is a system that allows you to organize your data and lets your organization to share, use, retrieve or search the data.

Content management system, CMS is a software that helps in organizing and facilitating creation of documents and content. This is also referred as a web application that is used to manage web content as well as websites. Generally, the system requires client software for creating and editing the article.

Content management system consists of two parts - the content management application (CMA) and content delivery application (CDA) the function of CMA is to allow the content writer or the manager without the knowledge of HTML to manage, create, remove or modify the content from a website without involving the webmaster. This information is used by the CDA to update the website. Most of the CMS systems have Web based publishing, revision control, format management along with search, indexing and retrieval of content.

The web based publishing allows the user to use templates, wizards and other tools while the format management feature allows formatting of different documents like the scanned documents and legacy electronic documents in PDF or HTML documents. The revision control helps in updating the content to a new or an old version along with tracking changes made by others in the files. CMS system also helps in indexing, retrieval and search of content. The user can search the data available with the help of keywords, the CMS system helps in retrieving the data.

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Miss Ruchira Sharma is a very well known author and she writes articles for Blog57308
Celestia Blog32716

Top Five Tips for College Freshmen and Sophmores

1. Let Your Major Pick You

A lot of college students ask me what majors will look best on paper when it comes time to apply for a job or to graduate school. At this point in your college education, you really have no business committing to a career yet. You should be exploring different classes, different internships and part-time jobs, different activities, different professors. Take a wide variety of classes, even if variety is not mandated by your schools graduation requirements, and youll figure out pretty quickly which ones youre passionate about.

2. Follow the Professors

Find out who the best teachers are and load up on those classes. The best teachers could lecture every day on the history of Brazilian trade unions and youd still be fascinated and learn how to think. A site like has its limitations, but its just one more resource to help you find the best ones. (And if you want to see that shoe on the other foot, check out Start cultivating relationships with your professors be engaged in class and talk to them during office hours. Dont be afraid to ask for help. Aside from the academic benefits, youll need them for graduate school recommendations in just a few years, and sometimes they have industry contacts as well.

3. Do Your Own Career Research?

Many professors and college administrators (including folks at the career center) havent spent much time outside of academia, so dont treat them as your only resources as you explore careers and line up internships or other job opportunities. Make every summer in college a strategic part of your post-graduation career planning many employers make permanent offers to their summer interns.

4. Be Smart About Your Financial Future?

Most people borrow for college, and for every dollar you spend now, youll be paying up to two in the future, depending on how long it takes you to pay back your loans. Check out financial planning calculators -- has good ones -- to figure out how much money you need to be making after graduation to make your monthly loan payments. Save your credit cards for emergencies, and dont fall for those seductive credit card pitches on campus. Get in the habit of tracking your spending (check out its a habit that will serve you well for the rest of your life.

5. If You Lose Your Bearings, Take a Breather

Sometimes life gets in the way of our best intentions. You wont be able to go back and do college over again, so make sure you can give school your undivided attention while youre there. If external circumstances make that impossible (a recurring or serious illness, serious family difficulties, needing to work more than 20 hours per week), explore taking a semester or even a year off to get a handle on whatever that problem is. Most students in these situations try to push through the crisis, and their transcripts end up looking like train wrecks. Theyll have to explain and make excuses for their grades for a long time to come. Youre much better off showing people a transcript with great grades and having to explain why you needed to take time out in the middle.

Career Expert, Anna Ivey, is the Former Dean of Admissions at the University of Chicago Law School and author of The Ivey Guide to Law School Admissions. Currently, she advises young people as they navigate life after college, helping them make life path decisions - career, graduate school, etc.Visit or contact Anna at Blog97788
Carolynn Blog29230

Millions At The Kitchen Table

Chapter 1

How You Can Make Up To $2,778.00 A Day Sitting At Your Home Computer!

Even Out Of A Small Bedroom In Your Home!

By Jason Ryan Isaksen

An Amazing But True Life Story About Internet Marketing And How You Can Cash In.

Anyone Can Do What I Do!

I know you probably think it sounds like I'm exaggerating when I tell you I make up to $2,778.00 a day sitting at my computer.

As crazy at it sounds, I actually do it on a regular basis and I only spend a couple hours a day at my computer. And I really believe that anyone over the age of 9 or 10 years old can follow my example and do exactly what I'm doing. I know a few secrets and I'm about to reveal them to you in the pages ahead. So keep reading if making up to $2778.00 a day is acceptable to you.

Of course I can't and won't guarantee that you'll make the exact same number of dollars I make everyday, but what I can do is tell you how I do it. I'll reveal some of my most confidential secrets, tips and tricks along with a complete money-making system that produces a serious income!

How Much Money Do You Really Want To Make?

My average income per day as I sit here writing this book for you is averaging just above $2,700.00 per day. Some days I make more than that, other days I make less.

As of October, 2004 I've generated over 2.4 million dollars using my internet marketing system. Now that's gross, not net, but at least close to half of that is net(money that I got to keep.) But I don't want to sit here like all those other internet marketing gurus that tell you over and over how they're millionaires.

No instead I'd rather just show you a few of my actual bank statements from my business checking account so you can see my total monthly and yearly deposits for yourself. While others just talk, I offer proof!

These days it seems like everyone is flapping their lips trying to convince us of how much money they make. Don't listen to what they say. Ask for proof! Ask them to show you actual bank statements like I do. Then watch how fast they try to make up excuses about why they can't show you their bank statements. They'll say things like: "Oh I can't show you my bank statement because that's confidential." And the only reason they won't show you their bank statement is because you'd laugh if you saw most of them. That's why they keep it so confidential. But I believe anyone who is really making a serious internet income will be more than happy to show you a simple bank statement as proof.

So I'm going to show you one of my actual bank statements just so you'll know I'm the real thing and not one of those phonies. Click here to see one of my bank statements from a single month. Keep in mind, that's only one of my bank accounts. I have two more business checking accounts that also have extremely large deposits going into them every week. Yes, I make a good solid living and I'm about to show you most of the keys to my income so you can start making the same kind of cash-flow for yourself.

After you finish reading this book, you'll know almost every secret I use to produce this much income and you'll know how to do it the same way I do.

But keep in mind, you might not need a million dollars a year to support your lifestyle. As individuals, all of our income needs are different. It's possible that you aren't as materialistic as I am and it's possible you don't desire the expensive trips, cars, and homes that I have. I often talk to students of mine that tell me their needs and wants are more modest and they'd be happy if they could even make half the income I make. Heck, $1,000.00 a week might sound great to you especially if you don't want to work very hard and you don't need all the fancy stuff I've got. I've even talked with some "Stay-at-home-moms" that say they'd be delighted to make just a mere hundred dollars a day if it meant they still got to stay at home and play with their kids all day.

Whether you want $100.00 a day or $2,778.00 a day, this book is going to show you how your computer can help you do it! Just like I've been doing it for the past nine and a half years solid!

I also think you'll be glad to know that I'm not a "Lucky" person and luck plays no part in how I make all this money. This is not some fluke that just worked one time for one person. On the contrary, the same system I'm about to show you is being used by hundreds if not thousands of other successful internet marketers that work out of their homes.

Yes, my particular approach is a little better than most, and it's definitely unique, but the basic nuts and bolts of my system have been making lots of other people serious cash for many years.

You Definitely Don't Need An Office and You Don't Need Employees!

I've been working out of a small bedroom in my house for over eight years. I have a small desk with a $500 computer sitting on it. There's nothing special about me, my equipment, or where I do my work. Many people that know me actually tell me I'm a cheap-skate in a lot of ways! I don't want a fancy office with a pretty secretary. I've seen too many big shots with offices, secretaries, and staff go broke. Fancy offices and pretty secretaries don't make money! On the other hand, the correct knowledge does make money. I'm just an average guy who happened to find out a few secrets that actually work! And you're just moments away from finding out how I do it.

As you read these secrets up ahead, you'll find out why you're never going to have to put much of your profits into overhead or business expenses. There's absolutely no reason for you to go out and get an office. Your home will work just fine unless your business grows too large to contain in your home. And that's a great problem to have!

You'll never need to have a bunch of employees. Employees are more trouble than they're worth with all the baggage they bring to your business.

No Need To Ever Get All Dressed Up

One of the perks of working from your home is the fact that it doesn't matter what you wear while you're working. I work in my pajamas, robes, old torn sweats and holy jeans most of the time. Heck, you could answer the phone naked and your customers would never know. Your customers never come to your home and you never go to their home and since you never see each other in person, it's a relaxed atmosphere.

I actually get a lot more accomplished than I ever did working in an office because I'm so comfortable working in my house. There's no reason you can't do the same thing I'm doing. It's a piece of cake!

Now I'd like to tell you how I put this whole home business system together and why it's going to be even easier for you than it was for me. I know you may feel like skipping ahead, but you'll be hurting yourself if you do. This system must be read in the exact order in which it was written for it to make perfect sense. It's important for you to know each step I took to start making the kind of income I now make. This system will make perfect sense if you see how it all began.

I'm about to show you what I do and how easy it's going to be for you to do the exact same thing in your home. And remember, the big checks I get in the mail are not some strange fluke and I didn't just get lucky. I just followed an exact method that guaranteed my success. It's really no different than when you use a recipe to make a delicious dinner. You just follow the recipe and add the exact ingredients. And you always get the same delicious meal.

You could also compare this to a restaurant chain like Burger King, McDonalds, KFC, Round Table Pizza, Carl's Jr., Taco Bell etc. Does the food taste different at a Taco Bell in California than it does at a Taco Bell in New York? No, of course not because they both use the exact same ingredients for every item on the menu. A Big Mac from a McDonalds in the United States tastes the same as it does in a McDonalds over in Europe!

Just understanding why all these restaurant chains are so popular and so successful is going to help you understand exactly how this system is going to make you successful.

What is the single most important common denominator all these restaurant chains have in common? Each one of these restaurant chains uses duplication to achieve their stunning success. The owners of these restaurants know that success can be achieved over and over again and again by simply following a set of instructions or reading a manual that contains the ingredients to a perfect recipe! Yes, duplication is the key!

The reason people who read this book become successful is because it contains the exact ingredients that have already made thousands of other people successful. So as you continue to read through this book, I want you to stop worrying, doubting, and over-thinking. I want you to treat the rest of this book just like you would treat any other great recipe that was recommended to you by a good friend. Remove any doubt you may have about this working for you and just know that you are following a perfect recipe that has always delivered success to everyone that has used these ingredients the way they are written below.

My name is Jason Ryan Isaksen. I'm thirty three years old. My wife Mindy and I have two daughters and a son. Three years ago, using the money I've made from my internet business, I purchased a 22 acre house in California for my family. The best part is the fact that I was able to put 75% down on that house in pure cash. Again, I made all that money by using the techniques, secrets, and strategies revealed in this book.

And just so you know, I still don't have an office and I have no desire for an office. I'm writing this book right this very moment from a spare bedroom in my house that I turned into an office. I'm living proof that one room in your home with one computer is all you need to make up to half a million dollars a year! Most people dream about making this kind of serious money with a home business but I'm actually doing it! It's real but I still can hardly believe I've finally reached my main goal in life! It's still hard to believe that this little book you're reading right now has helped bring such an enormous income and so much freedom to my life!

For so many years I tried business opportunities that just didn't work! I felt like a complete sucker because I kept buying every "Get-Rich-Quick-Scheme" I could find. I was addicted to buying money-making-systems. I bought every "Work At Home" magazine and I responded to every ad. I ordered every course, program, system, and money-making report I could get my hands on. I ordered seminars on tape, franchises, distributorships, plans, and anything else that looked like it could make me stinking rich.

I spent $19.95 on one report and $99.95 on another. I spent $199.95 on a set of eight audio tapes and I spent $399.95 on a distributorship. Heck I even spent $2,000.00 on a website that guaranteed I would make $600.00 a day! It never made me a nickel! In fact none of that stuff ever made me a penny!

I'd be ashamed to even tell you how many thousands of dollars I've spent on worthless get-rich-quick schemes. I bet you've had some similar experiences and you're now probably thinking the "Work At Home Dream" doesn't exist. If you're like I was, you probably don't know who to trust anymore.

I was there too! I remember how it felt to spend all my money and get nothing back in return. But I now realize that all those thousands of dollars I spent searching for a high paying business opportunity were not wasted! It's now clear to me that If I hadn't spent all that money trying different things, I never would have learned some of the secrets I'm about to share with you through this book.

You're lucky! Why? Because I had to pay thousands of dollars to find the information you're about to read. I had to spend over 4 years to find out the secrets you're about to see in just minutes. And you don't have to spend thousands of dollars and thousands of hours like I did!

Let me tell you the main reason I wrote this little book. You'd think I wrote this for the money, but money had very little to do with it. These days, I no longer need the money. At one time I wrote little books like this for one reason and that was because I made serious cash by telling others the secrets to making a rock solid income. A few years ago, I really needed that money badly and it was like gift from above. It's not like that anymore.

Now that I've already made enough money to retire on, I sometimes ask myself "Why are you still writing new books?"

Well, here's the truth. I feel very fortunate. This system has given so much to me that I feel like it's now time to give something back. I remember how hard it was and what a struggle it was before I knew these secrets. And even though I had to spend thousands of dollars to find out one good piece of information that would change my life, I can only hope nobody else has to go through that long, difficult process. I don't believe anyone should have to go through that kind of stress and frustration. I now feel obligated to share my knowledge with you. Keeping these secrets to myself would be a selfish thing to do.

Anyway, it's not like it hurts me by telling you my confidential secrets. Some people have asked me this question: "Aren't you just creating more competition by telling all these people the secrets to your success?"

The answer is "No" and you'll find out why as you continue reading further.

Lets talk about what this book is NOT

First things first. I know some of you reading this right now still can't help but to be a little bit skeptical and have doubts about whether this system will really work for you. But just for a moment allow yourself to be open and receptive so you can truly take in this information and fully absorb it. I'll start by telling you what this system is not about.

It's not MLM, Multi-Level-Marketing, or Network Marketing. This system has nothing to do with that stuff. Don't get me wrong, I've actually made some money with MLM but I just think most people never find success with MLM and I have found a much easier way to make money. And with this system, you never have to meet with anyone face-to-face and you never have to do any real selling. This system always sells itself so you just collect the checks! Since most of the work is automated in this system, you'll only need to sit at your computer for about an hour a day! In fact, even people that don't own a computer can use this system so the market is huge for this!

This system is not one of those pyramid schemes that doesn't even have a "Real" product. No Way!

With this system, all of the money you're going to make will come from providing "Real" products with a legitimate purpose to people who are desperately seeking them. And they'll always pay you top dollar for your product! Every time! I'll give you more information about your product in the next few pages, but I just want you to know that I don't just sit around selling "Get-Rich-Quick" information. No way, there's probably good money to be made doing that, but that's just not what I do. Before I even wrote the first page of this book, I'd already made 2.1 million dollars by using all of the ingredients that make up this system! So even before this book existed, I was raking in a rock solid income by using all of the techniques outlined in this book.

This is not one of those goofy deals where I sell you a bunch of catalogs, brochures, and order forms and tell you to pass them out to make money. In that case I would be the only one making any money while you'd be losing money! No, this system is nothing like that! You keep all your profits with this system. All the money goes directly to you!

After I show you how this system works, there's nothing else you'll ever be required to buy from me. Once you know the secret system, you'll never need to have any connection with me at all. And I certainly won't be taking any of your profits! But the only connection you may want to have with me is for me to help get you started.

My goal is to see you become completely independent just like me. The last thing either of us want is for you to be dependent on me. Your goal in purchasing this system was to learn how to become financially free and completely independent so you don't ever need to rely on others for a paycheck. And most important, you don't want some fat cat boss-man taking most of the money for the work you do in life.

I did not make this system up. I'm sure you've seen the get-rich magazine ads and infomercials that show the owner of the company standing next to a Mercedes, next to their giant cruise ship, or even standing on the stairs of their own lear jet. And you probably already know that many of the people posing in those pictures aren't even the real owner of the company. Often times the person in the photo-ad has a completely different name than the one you see advertised. Yes, these guys often use made up stage names and they set up their own photo shoots showing a life of luxury when it's not even real. All fake!

I want you to know strait up that I'm nothing like that fake stuff you see out there. No way, me and my wife Mindy are totally real people and if you saw us walking down the street you'd never know that we are rich. We don't act like rich people and we don't look like rich people. We look completely ordinary, dress completely ordinary, and even drive ordinary cars. We don't need to impress people. In fact we go out of our way to look like regular folks because we don't want to be treated different in life. Sure, we used to drive flashy luxury cars and dress like movie stars, but we soon learned that people would often try to use us for our money. Yah, every other day someone else would be asking us for a loan or just pleading for us to help by donating some money to them. Sure, they'd ask for a "Loan" but nobody ever paid me back anyway, so that's why I use the word "Donation." Because when you're rich everyone thinks you should just hand out money to every Tom, Dick, and Ha!

rry! You're rich so you can afford it. Right? Well I don't like being used anymore than you do so it's not even about the money.

So Mindy and I no longer try to impress anyone with expensive toys. But the main point I'm trying to make is that every word written in this book is completely true. Mindy and I are not about to risk losing our home, our business, or our reputation by telling a single lie. That would be fraud and it's illegal.

I have no reason at all to make anything up because my true life story is so unique and amazing that it's more powerful than fiction.

This Is Not Just Something That Sounds Great On Paper But Wouldn't Be Easy For You To Do

As you continue reading your way forward, you'll soon see that even a 10 year old child could use this system(where was this when I was a kid.) This system doesn't require much money to start up. So even if you're almost broke, there's plenty of hope in the pages that follow. You don't need any special education. You don't even need an office or a store to do this. You don't need to stock any inventory of products and you don't need any special equipment. Best of all, you don't need to have a single employee working for you, ever! You just need yourself and this book!

This is a completely different approach to internet marketing that has made me over 2.1 million dollars before I even wrote this book!

Be prepared to read this book again and again until you fully understand the big picture. Because once you fully understand what I'm talking about, you're never going to work for anyone else again. You're money worries will be gone forever, and I promise you this: The people that work in your bank will soon have a new respect for you and know you on a first name basis.

I Didn't Go To College

I mostly screwed around in school so I never had any interest in going to college. With no degree, I wound up having to do what I call "Real Work." And when I say "Real Work" I'm talking about jobs such as stock person, grocery bagger, cashier, dept. store sales person, professional cleaner, etc. And when I say I did some cleaning I don't just mean dusting. I cleaned windows, toilets, floors, tiles, and even cars. At one time, I was even cleaning up after a demolition crew. They smashed stuff up, and I had to walk through all the dust and carry out the garbage.

But I don't want to bore you with all the details of all the many odd jobs I had. I just want to let you know that I wasn't born rich and that I actually shed blood, sweat, and tears just trying to live on my own. Those jobs all had one thing in common. They were all "Real Work" and I hated every minute while watching the clock and waiting for the end of the day to come.

It didn't take me long to realize I wasn't meant to have a boss in life. I didn't like taking orders back then and I still don't like taking orders now. And that's part of the reason why I listed so many different jobs of mine up above. I used to get sick and tired of jobs faster than most people. So I'd end up getting fired or quitting sometimes after only one week of working. There were a few occasions where I just walked off a job without even telling anyone I was leaving and never coming back! I would seriously just wait until nobody was paying attention to me and I'd just walk right out the front door, get in my car and drive home. Home was where I like to be. Home was a place where I felt safe, relaxed, and happy.

Yes, I was really good at getting jobs, but not so good at staying with them and being committed to them. Home was just such a better place to be. So looking back, it's really no surprise that one day after walking off a job, I stopped at a computer store and bought a cheap computer with money I didn't have. I had one credit card left that wasn't over it's limit and I used that one credit card to live off of for the next 3 weeks while I sat at that computer determined to figure out how to make it spit out dollar bills.

No Luck! For over a year I tried every internet money-making opportunity I could get my hands on. But I just kept racking up more debt. A year later, I was $46,735 in debt and desperately struggling. Any sane person would have gone out and gotten a job. But to me, a job was not an option. I seriously would have rather been in prison than had a job. At least in prison you can sit down and relax. Ok, well on second thought, I wouldn't want to be in prison either. But I think you're starting to understand just how much I hated having a regular job. Having a boss seemed as close to a prison sentence as I can imagine.

So I just sat at that computer all day long and I answered as many of those "opportunity ads" you see in the back of small business magazines as I could find. I tried every money-making scheme that I came across. If you sold a get-rich-quick scheme, I would have been an easy sale for you at that time.

I tried offline businesses as well as online businesses, but they always turned out to be nothing but lies. And I kept falling for every one of them. It was official. I was an opportunity junkie. If there was such a thing as opportunity junkies anonymous, I probably needed to be there.

But as bad as things got, I was one stubborn son-of-a-gun! I knew I'd rather be homeless than work a day job. At least I knew what I didn't want to do. Looking back, knowing what I didn't want was actually a step in the right direction. So I just kept on trying more business opportunities. I tried them all. I experimented with different ways of doing them and I tested and re-tested each one.

When you look at just how pitiful my life was at that time and how bad things were turning out, it's actually good news for you. If I can suddenly bring in $437,540.00 after being down so low then you know you can do it too! As you continue reading, you're going to see just how easy this really is. Remember, I'm not a lucky person and what I was about to discover wasn't luck. I discovered a recipe for success. Yes sireee, I had found the exact ingredients for a serious cash income!

There are a few reasons why you're likely to use this system and make more money, faster than when I got started. Who knows, you may even do better than me later on too!

But before I ever hit it big, things kept getting worse while I was struggling to avoid losing my apartment back then. I ended up having to move back in at my parents house which as you may know, is a hard thing to do. But I had no choice. My credit cards were now all over their limit, and my checking account had a negative balance. Things were ugly!

But as ugly as things got, I still wasn't going to throw in the towel and get a boss and a job to go with it. No way, I was determined to find a way to get my computer to make me a solid income from home. That was my dream and I was obsessed with being my own boss and finding a simple way to make money from home. I wanted to be totally independent and financially free to relax at home where I felt safe. Looking back I sometimes can't believe that I never gave up and at least got a part time job to help get me out of my financial mess. But I guess I was well aware that every minute I spent working for a boss making low wages, was time wasted. I knew that having a boss and a job would only end up robbing precious hours from me and take away the time I needed to get my own thing going at home.

How Did I Go From Almost $50,000.00 in debt and struggling at my parents house, to buying a house worth over $412,000.00 in just six months?

And How Was I Able To Put Down almost $200,000.00 On That House In Cold Hard Cash?

After Being So Desperate For So Long, How Did I End Up Paying Cash For 2 New Luxury Cars?

I even bought expensive toys for my kids like a horse, a new dirt bike, and a quad racer.

Heck, I suddenly was able to buy every piece of jewelry my wife was asking for! Yah, I scored big points doing that!

Out of nowhere, we suddenly get to travel first class and take exotic vacations as often as we want!

No boss! No cubicle, No office! I take orders from nobody! I am suddenly in charge of my own life! I can suddenly do what I want when I want without asking anyone! I can take today off and go play with my kids at the local park if I want. I can decide to take the whole rest of the week off and goof-off all day with my wife! I can take the next month off for a tropical vacation half way around the world if that's what I decide to do.


I'm about to tell you how I finally made a huge breakthrough in my struggle to create wealth with my computer at home.

I know you've been waiting on the edge of your seat for me to finally tell you how I made this all happen and now it's time to show you how to do the exact same thing I did. I'm going to use the space in the rest of this book to tell you how this system can change your life as quickly as it changed mine.

To find out how to copy my success go to

The Double Payment System has helped others to successfully market their internet businesses for the past nine years. Jason Ryan Isaksen has been a mentor and consultant to small internet businesses as well as large corporations. Yes, Jason Ryan Isaksen has got this whole marketing thing down to a science.Beatrisa Blog50509
Althea Blog41456

Few Facts Of Digital Cameras

A digital camera captures images in a digital format, unlike a conventional camera, which captures images using a photographic film.


Using a mosaic photosensor, Eugene F. Lally of the Jet Propulsion Laboratory first showed how still photos could be produced in a digital domain. An engineer at Eastman Kodak, Steve Sasson, used solid-state CCD chips to build a prototype digital camera having a resolution of 0.01 megapixel, and recorded black and white digital images to a magnetic cassette tape. With this prototype model, Steve took the first image in December of 1975 taking 23 seconds to capture it.

In 1988, Fuji DS-1P became the first digital camera that captured images as a computerized file. However, the camera never entered the U.S. market. In 1991, Kodak DCS-100 was the first commercially available digital camera, which used a 1.3 megapixel sensor. With the advancement of technology, modern digital cameras have become multifunctional and are now capable of capturing audio/video and still photographs.


1 - You get superior image quality. Digital cameras can offer good to excellent image resolution.

2 - You get a fair price. A digital camera is reasonably priced and is affordable.

3 - You can transfer the pictures to your laptop. You can easily connect the digital camera to your laptop and transfer the pictures in your hard disk.

4 - You can print in large sizes. Due to its high resolution, pictures can be printed in large sizes by any plotter.

5 - You can email the pictures to your friends. You can send the pictures by email to your loved ones.

6 - You can store the images in CDs or hard disk. Once the pictures are transferred from digital camera to the computer, permanent storage on a CD or hard disk is possible.

7 - You can take the camera in your pocket while you travel. The small size of the digital camera makes traveling with it easy and a pleasure.

8 - You can move in close to your subject. Zoom lenses offer close-ups of your subject with sharp focus. You can take very good close-ups of flowers, bugs, stamps, coins, etc.

9 - You can rework the image in a computer. Any photo editing software can rework the images taken.

10 - You can take good pictures even in low-light situations. Due to flexible over sensitivity or ISO equivalents, digital cameras can easily take detailed pictures even in low-light conditions.

11 - You can take quality still photos of moving objects. Sports and fashion photography can be easily accomplished due to the fast burst rate of digital cameras.

12 - You save money. There is no need of buying photographic films, developing them into negatives and positives. Moreover, the batteries are usually rechargeable lithium-ion batteries, which last a long time.

13 - You can choose as per your needs and fancy. Many models are available like standard digital camera, underwater digital camera, waterproof digital camera, compact digital camera, and the professional digital camera.

Storage Media:

Digital cameras use memory to capture and store images. Some of the storages media used are onboard flash memory, 3.5" floppy disks, video floppy disk, PCMCIA hard drives, CD or DVD, CompactFlash memory cards, Microdrives, Memory Stick, SD/MMC, MiniSD Card, MicroSD Card, XD-Picture Card, SmartMedia, and FP Memory.


Digital cameras consume a lot of power, which is supplied by powerful, small in size batteries. Batteries are broadly divided into two groups, namely, off-the-shelf and proprietary. Off-the-shelf batteries are like AA, CR2, CR-V3, AAA, and RCR-V3. They are lithium-ion (Li-Ion) or Nickel metal hydride (NiMH) batteries. Standard AA non-rechargeable alkaline batteries either do not work or work for only a very short time in most cameras.

Proprietary batteries are built as per the manufacturer`s custom specifications and are usually available as aftermarket replacement parts. Generally, lithium ion batteries are widely used as proprietary batteries for digital cameras.

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Bertina Blog31746

Glossary Of Terms (D - L) - CCTV

Leakage signal from a CCD sensor in the absence of incident light.

Noise caused by the random (quantum) nature of the dark current.

A logarithmic ratio between two electrical signals or values. Usually refers to power, but can also be used for voltage and current.

Direct Current.

The process of separating different video, audio, or data signals, which were multiplexed at source.

The distance between the nearest and furthermost object in a scene which appear in sharp focus. Depth of field varies depending on the f-stop and focal length of a lens. Depth of field increases when the f-stop is greater, the focal length shorter or the distance to the object is increased.

An insulating (non-conductive) material. Found between the inner core and outer shield of a co-axial cable.

An electronic signal, which is represented by binary numbers, and that, can be processed by a microprocessor, or stored in an electronic memory.

Term used to describe a type of camera housing made of smoked glass or plastic usually containing a pan and tilt head and used for discreet surveillance.

Disk Operating System. A software package that makes a computer work with its hardware devices such as hard drive, floppy drive, screen, keyboard, etc.

Digital Signal Processing. Refers to an electronic circuit capable of processing digital signals.

A system that is capable of handling two channels of information simultaneously. In CCTV, duplex is used to describe a multiplexer that can record in multiplex mode whilst simultaneously displaying multi-screen pictures.

When relating to video switchers this is the time that a picture remains on a monitor before being replaced by the next picture.

Electronic Article Surveillance. System used in retail stores to prevent shoplifting by attaching tags to the merchandise, which activate an alarm when passed through detectors. These systems are often interfaced with CCTV systems.

European Broadcasting Union.

Electronics Industry Association. American Association that sets the standard for video broadcast in the USA and Canada (525 lines, 30 frames per second).

A concentrated flow of electrons in a nominated direction.

Electro Magnetic Interference. Interference caused by an item of electrical equipment radiating electro magnetic frequencies.

Electronic News Gathering camera usually refers to CCD cameras in the broadcast industry.

Erasable and Programmable Read Only Memory. An electronic chip used in many different security products, which stores software instructions for performing various operations.

The study of man, machine and the working environment to achieve maximum efficiency.

A very efficient method of transmitting video and telemetry signals over long distances using a light beam transmitted along a fibre optic cable constructed from high density Silica Glass.

Half of a single frame, consisting of either the odd or even lines. In a PAL system this is 312.5 lines.

The height and width of view that can be seen through a lens.

A lens with a pre-determined fixed focal length. Normally has a focusing control and a choice of iris functions. Available in a range of sizes to suit different applications.

The time taken for a signal to move from the end of a field, frame or line to the start of the next field frame or line. Also called the retrace period.

The distance between the optical centre of a lens and the focal point.

Ring on the outside of a lens to allow adjustment to obtain correct focus.

Unit of Illuminance. 1 Foot-candela =1 Lumen of light incident on 1sq ft of surface area.

Basic unit of a motion picture, made up of 2 fields or 625 lines (in a PAL system).

A type of CCD imaging device, which is expensive to manufacture and is currently used in broadcast quality cameras. This type of chip overcomes many of the shortcomings of the existing CCD chips used in CCTV cameras.

An electronic device used to capture and digitally store a video image. Can be a stand-alone unit or incorporated in other equipment such as fast scan transmitters or video motion transmitters.

A basic form of multiplexer, which can be used to record multiple cameras on a single VCR.

A type of CCD Imaging device in which the pixels have a dual role of sensing the light and transferring the charge. This can result in picture smearing, which is a major shortcoming of this device.

In CCTV this term refers to a method of operating an auto iris lens. The changing light level causes a change in the current induced into a minute coil, which in turn causes movement in the Iris diaphragm.

A method of correction used in cameras to balance the brightness seen by a camera to that of the monitor.

A method of synchronising a number of cameras in a system to ensure that they all produce fields at the same time. This is used to prevent picture bounce when switching between cameras and can improve the overall quality and update time of recordings when using switchers or multiplexers.

In CCTV this term refers to a current that is produced in a cable as a result of a difference in earth potential existing at each end of the cable. The result of this is noise (interference) introduced in the signal.

A transformer with no direct connection between the inputs and outputs, used to eliminate Ground Loop Currents.

(Graphical User Interface). A term used to describe the interface between a computer screen and the user. Now used in CCTV Systems to describe features such as touch screen control of systems and equipment.

Refers to a method of controlling CCTV equipment by using multi-cored cable run between the controller and device to be controlled. Only used where the distance between controller and controlled device is short.

The unit of measurement for frequency in a signal. 1 Hertz = 1 cycle per second.

Term used to describe a sequential switcher with only one output.

The number of vertical lines that can be resolved in a picture.

Part of the CCD image device to which the charge from the pixels is transferred line by line. This charge is then converted into an analogue video signal.

The amount of light, which falls onto a given surface area. Measured in lux.

A vacuum tube or solid state device in which the vacuum tube light sensitive face plate, or solid state light sensitive array, provides an electronic signal from which an image can be created.

A devise used to intensify light through the use of light sensitive phosphor screens. Used to intensify camera performance under low light conditions.

The total opposition to current flow in an a.c. electrical circuit. Measured in Ohms.

The ratio between the angle of incidence to the angle of refraction of light. Index varies depending on the density of the medium. The denser the medium, the higher the index.

Light produced at the red end of the spectrum. Not visible to the naked human eye.

Light source, which emits light in the infrared part of the spectrum. Used to illuminate scenes to provide views at night from infra sensitive monochrome cameras.

Method of transmitting signals using an infrared beam. Allows CCTV signals to be transmitted where cables cannot be run. Signals can be degraded over long distances or in adverse weather conditions.

Effect caused by the introduction of unwanted electrical signals into an electrical circuit. In CCTV this results in noise in the signal or picture, which disrupts the picture.

The process of combining odd and even fields to form a frame.

A type of CCD imaging device in which the charge is processed according to the amount of light falling on the sensors and then transferred immediately. This is the most common form of imaging device used in current CCTV systems.

Index of protection that refers to the level of protection provided by equipment housings, against the ingress of dust or moisture.

The part of a lens that is used to control the amount of light that passes through the lens and onto the imaging device.

(Integrated Services Digital Network). Telecommunications network that is capable of transmitting digital signals at speeds of up to 128kb/sec.

(Local Area Network). Means of connecting a number of computers to enable communication between each device connected to the network.

(Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation). In CCTV this source of exceptionally pure light can be used to transmit signals along fibre optic cables, providing very high quality signal and data transmission.

(Light Emitting Diode). A semiconductor that produces light when stimulated by an electric current. In CCTV these are used as the light source in some fibre optic transmission systems, and as light the light source for illuminating scenes for use with Monochrome cameras.

An optical device for focusing light onto the imaging device in a camera.

A calculator used to calculate the most suitable lens to provide an image of a given scene when used with a specific camera.

A problem encountered when an auto iris lens opens and closes alternatively because it is unable to find the correct level.

See C-mount or CS-mount.

See Lens calculator.

A device that is activated when a preset amount of light is present on the sensor. Used to switch on/off infrared illuminators.

The basic unit of a frame or field containing the charge, which is proportional to the light falling at various points on the scanning line.

Refers to a method of synchronising cameras to a common AC frequency.

Refers to a type of switcher where signals are looped through the switcher without being affected by the operation of the switcher itself.

Unit of light measurement of light radiation. 1 Lumen = amount of light emitted by a light source of 1 Candela.

Brightness. In CCTV refers to the part of the video signal that contains information about the scene brightness.

The rate of flow of light.

Unit of illumination. 1 Lux = the amount of uniform light falling onto a surface of 1sq metre. Measured in Lumens per square metre.

Instrom Limited is an independent security consultancy set-up in 1998 to provide a range of impartial security consultancy services to commerce, industry and the public sector. Blog74117
Celene Blog64052

To Pay Or Not To Pay: Why Ask The Question?

No one likes them, and yet everyone (who wants to stay out of prison) pays them. They help CPAs make a living, and they force everyone else to work harder. Taxes affect everyone. Without them we would have roads like those in most third world countries. Thus we can all recognize the value of tax dollars, and yet we complain when we must pay them. Home business owners have a unique position regarding taxes in that they must actually budget for them. They do not have a business account manager automatically withdrawing their taxes before sending them a paycheck. They do, however, have several options and avenues to take when figuring their taxes.

First and foremost, home business owners can run the Certified Public Accountant route. They may opt to try to save money ultimately by paying someone else to do figure and file their taxes. When a home business opts to do this, they have a third party to send the IRS to if they are ever audited, and they have a professional that understands the newest tax laws. Ultimately, a good CPA will save a home business owner more money than he costs. He will review the taxes and itemizations with the business owner before filing, and he will explain the forms clearly. When a home business owner leaves his CPAs office, he should never feel confused or leave with questions. If he does, then he either needs to speak up more or consider finding a new CPA, one that teaches more than dictates.

Secondly, a great home business owner understands the need to set aside money for taxes. He should maintain a separate checking account just for his business, and whenever he withdraws money for personal use, such as feeding his family or paying the electric bill at home, he should deduct 25 percent from that amount and set it aside for taxes. When he does this, he creates a tax cushion so that when the CPA informs him of what he owes, he will have that money at hand and not have to do something stupid, like charge the taxes on a credit card.

Finally, the tax-savvy home business owner is a saver. He will save receipts whenever he purchases items. While no one wants a messy office or to have the closet of a pack rat, the successful home business owner still keeps these little slips of paper. He creates a filing system that both works for him and makes sense to the general populace that may ever need to find a receipt.

Ultimately, taxes should not be the headache that they have become for home business owners. Sure, we all have to pay them. But in the process, if the home business owner plans for taxes and uses a professional to help him file, he will end up far better off than he could ever imagine in his post-tax world.

Jim Biscardi is owner of Dynamic Wealth Systems, LLC and writes on a variety of subjects. To learn more about this topic Jim recommends you visit: http://www.DynamicWealthSystems.comAlexi Blog40950
Bess Blog98201

Online Associates Degree

Associate degrees are commonly referred to as undergraduate degrees. Duration of studies is counted as units or semester credit hours. Each semester has 15 credit hours hence an Associate degree is earned once a student reaches the minimum 4 semesters, equivalent to 60 units or semester credit hours. Associate degrees are generally 2-year degrees, like those conferred at community colleges. Now, associate degrees are available online, allowing you to study whenever or wherever you want.

An associate degree is defined as, An academic degree awarded by community colleges, junior colleges and some bachelors degree-granting colleges and universities upon completion of a course of study usually lasting two years.

The program consists of three parts: general education requirements, major requirements, and electives. Online associate degrees are the same as on-campus or in-classroom associate degrees, but the degree can be taken entirely through the Internet or by distance education.

An online associate degree in business, liberal arts, and other disciplines, is widely accepted for transfer into bachelor's degree programs throughout the country.

Types of Associate Degree Programs:
A.A. - "Associate of Arts" degree
This degree is designed to transfer to a four-year college or university.

A.A.S. - "Associate of Applied Science" degree
Designed to prepare graduates for career entry or job advancement after 2 years of college study. AAS degrees may transfer in whole or in part to 4 year colleges. A.A.S degrees may also be known by occupational specific titles such as Associate in Engineering Technology, Associate in Business, etc.

A.S. - "Associate of Science" degree
Designed to transfer to a 4 year college or university.

Occupational Degree
Also referred to as "applied" degree programs, an occupational degree program at a two-year college is designed to prepare students to enter the workforce immediately following graduation. The primary function is career preparation, however some courses and/or programs may transfer to 4 year colleges.

Online Associate Degrees
Associated degrees available nationwide include disciplines such as accounting, arts and humanities, business and management, marketing, design, graphic design, early childhood development, education, engineering, fire science, health sciences, hospitality management, human resources management, law and paralegal, criminal justice, social sciences telecommunications and technology.

Taking a degree in-classroom, online or by distance learning makes no difference except for the cost, time and place. Other than these aspects, education and programs are common to all of them, although there is less emphasis on an industry-specific competency. An Associate degree is more focused on learning the basic academic discipline, than in specialization.

All associated degrees are available through the Internet, but accelerated online programs make it easier to earn a certificate in less time. Earning an Associate degree also enables students to enter interesting professions, with minimal additional training in the field of electronics, health care and other faster growing occupations.

When you earn Associate degree online, you will not be singled out because yours was distance learning. A certificate for an Associates degree looks the same, regardless of whether it was earned online or on a campus. When you learn online, you will find that you can schedule work, family obligations and fun as well as learning into your busy life. Lectures can be downloaded and listened to at any time. Documents can also be read on the website, and you can turn in your homework assignments by e-mail or fax. Those who want to earn associate degree online but who are not sure how to get started should browse through various programs and locate one that is right. This requires a lot of research, but ultimately it pays off in the form of greater confidence, qualifications, and pay.

This article has been published by Kateri White currently writing on online degree programs topics for our website more details about the online degree programs, please visit our website. If any mistake found please mail Blog60501
Cathi Blog93933

7 Ways To Get Over A Broken Heart FAST!

A broken heart is hard to deal with no matter how the break up goes down. It is something that may hurt for a long time to come.

You need to figure out how to get over a broken heart when it happens. It may not be something that you want to think about but you have to do it because life does go on and you need to take advantage of it.

There are going to be different phases of the breakup. You need to go through them all so that you are able to achieve the sense of security and love that you once did. Having these feelings are going to be good for you but you do not want to take them too far.

This will only make things harder on you when it comes to getting on with your life. There are predicable phases of a break up. You may have been through them before, but there are some good ways to deal with your strong feelings and get over that broken heart fast!

1. You need to share your feelings.

Getting out what you are feeling is going to make you feel better inside. You want to share these feelings with your friends and family or anyone that will listen to you. Having a good support is going to help you get through the tough times faster. You do not have to let it out all at once. Talk about it slowly and work your way up to getting it all out in the open.

2. Think about what is good for you.

You have to get over this broken heart fast so that you are able to feel better. You need to make good choices for what is good for your heart and soul. Make sure that you are not putting yourself in any situation that may be harmful for you. Getting over the breakup is important and you need to do what is best for you.

3. Taking good care of you is important.

You want to keep eating and exercising and staying healthy. You need to keep your strength up so that you are able to be strong and able to feel good about yourself. This will help you get over the break up and get back on track.

4. Let it all out if you want to.

Crying is good. You do not have to be embarrassed about crying. It is part of life. You will find that there are going to be hard times that hit you all of a sudden and you will feel like crying and letting it all out. You need to do this anyway to keep your sanity. This will help you feel better and get back on track. You need to do this when you feel the urge and do not worry about what others think.

5. Doing the things that you love the most will help you get over the break up too.

You will want to make sure that you are keeping up with your hobbies and doing what makes you the happiest. You want to keep your schedule on track and stay busy. This will help you heal faster.

6. Keeping busy is KEY.

You need to stay on the go and keep your mind occupied. This will allow you to keep old what is his name out of your mind and keep you motivated to stay healthy. You want to make sure that you are doing all that you can to stay busy. You will want to talk to your friends, go out more and spend some time with your family. These things will make you feel better and help heal your wounded heart.

7. Time is of the essence.

You need to remember that all wounds heal with time. You need to give yourself the time and soon you will notice that you are not feeling so bad and that life is good again. You will move on and find a new love that will take your mind off of the break up that you thought would ruin your life.

There is no need to worry when you are involved in a break up. Everyone has been through it and there is going to be happiness again. It will happen for you and when it does, you will feel much better that you knew what to do to get over the break up faster.

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